Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) is a rewarding crop to grow in the home vegetable garden. Not only does it produce its tasty red roots, but the young leaves can be harvested and eaten in a salad. Our last issue described heirloom beetroot varieties and now we will look more in-depth at how to grow this nutritious vegetable. This root vegetable is best known for its round red root, but beetroots come in other colours and shapes. They can be red and white (‘Chioggia’), dark red (‘Bulls Blood’) or golden (varieties include ‘Burpees Golden’ and ‘Golden Derwent’). As well as round red forms such as ‘Derwent Globe’, there are tapered beetroot varieties (for example ‘Cylindra’) and small or baby beets (such as ‘Baby Beet’ and ‘Mini Gourmet’).